Home Media Congratulations Bristol Herald Courier!

Congratulations Bristol Herald Courier!


This proves that even a tiny newspaper (circulation 29,000) can do great reporting. Nice job, Bristol Herald Courier!

The prize for public service went to the tiny Bristol Herald Courier of southwestern Virginia, circulation 29,000, for revealing that many energy companies failed to pay required royalties on natural gas drilling, and that the royalties that were paid were not reaching the local people who deserved them.

Also, congratulations to conservative political columnist Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post for winning an award for commentary. I don’t always agree with her, but I find her writing to be well-informed, thought-provoking, and fair (unlike George Will, for instance).

Finally, kudos to Iraq correspondent Anthony Shadid, who won the Pulitzer for international reporting. For those who haven’t read his book, I definitely recommend Night Draws Near: Iraq’s People in the Shadow of America’s War.


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