Home Virginia Politics New Poll: Does Robert Hurt Have the 5th CD Republican Nomination Locked...

New Poll: Does Robert Hurt Have the 5th CD Republican Nomination Locked Up?


If you believe the results of this new poll of likely 5th CD Republican primary voters, it looks like State Senator Robert Hurt, aka Appalachian Power’s best friend, pretty much has the nomination locked up.

*”Robert Hurt has increased his support on the ballot by fourteen points (from 21% to 35%)

and now has a twenty-five point lead on his nearest primary opposition”

*”Hurt’s closest opposition, Ken Boyd, garners just 10% of the vote, the

same percentage he received in our February survey. Including Boyd, the other six

candidates’ ballot support does not even equal Hurt’s 35%.”

Assuming that Hurt wins the Republican nomination on June 8, the question is whether any third-party (e.g, “Tea Party”) candidates will throw their hat(s) in the ring as well.  Right now, though, it’s looking like a one-on-one matchup between Rep. Tom Perriello (D) and Hurt.  Clearly, if there’s any justice in the world, Perriello should be reelected easily.  But given how the world is these days, I’m sure this will be anything but easy. Having said that, I certainly believe that Tom Perriello can win reelection, as long as 5th CD voters focus on the superb job he’s been doing and not on whatever “Swift Boat” tactics Hurt strategist Chris LaCivita comes up with this cycle.


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