Sierra Club of Virginia Endorses Rob Krupicka for State Senate


    Citing his long record of environmental stewardship and bold leadership

    The Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club has announced its endorsement of Rob Krupicka to be the next State Senator from the 30th District saying, “Rob has been a steadfast ally in the fight to protect the environment.”

    Founded in 1892 by John Muir, The Sierra Club is one of the oldest and most well respected environmental organizations in the country, and has a long history of advocacy on issues that range from conservation of public lands and green space to creating a healthier, more sustainable planet. The Virginia Chapter has more than 15,000 members across the Commonwealth and works to conserve and restore the natural environment.

    “While there are three good candidates in this Democratic Primary, Rob has shown time and again that his environmental leadership is ahead of the curve.  He has fought to end our dependence on dirty fuels and to improve energy conservation, worked to expand and protect public green space like the Winkler Botanical Preserve, advanced clean-fuel mass transit systems for Northern Virginia and he is the co-founder of the nationally recognized Eco-City Alexandria environmental sustainability program” said Glen Besa, Director of the Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club.

    He continued, “Rob’s proactive, solutions-oriented style of leadership will make him incredibly effective in Richmond. He’s not afraid to take a stand on the big issues, and we’re proud to stand by him.”

    On receiving the endorsement, Krupicka stated, “As the father of two little girls, I’d like to know that they will be able to live in a world with clean air and water. I feel privileged to have earned the endorsement of such a respected organization and I look forward to working alongside them in the State Senate as we continue the fight to protect and improve the health and sustainability of our communities.”


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