Home 2019 Elections Bruce Shuttleworth Writes Funny, Classy Concession Email to Jim Moran

Bruce Shuttleworth Writes Funny, Classy Concession Email to Jim Moran


I certainly had my criticisms of  Bruce Shuttleworth’s campaign, but I most definitely don’t have any criticisms of the following concession/congratulations email he sent to Rep. Jim Moran yesterday morning. Funny, classy…nice job by Bruce Shuttleworth on this one!

Dear Jim (and Mary),

With my apologies for my concession call coming in too late to catch you last night, congratulations on your hard-fought victory yesterday. And, certainly, congratulations in advance on your victory to come in November!

I enjoyed our frequent meetings on the campaign trail and would be delighted to congratulate you on the phone or in person at your convenience.

More than an aside, I was impressed on the campaign trail with your terrific son Patrick.  This has nothing to do with the fact that he could bench press our entire family.

Congratulations to all your supporters and certainly to you, Mary, as well.

Your former opponent,



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