Home National Politics Video: Netanyahu Says Romney’s “Thrown Israel Under the Bus” Charge “Simply Not...

Video: Netanyahu Says Romney’s “Thrown Israel Under the Bus” Charge “Simply Not the Case”


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According to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu (note to David Gregory: no, he’s NOT the “leader of the Jewish people,” he’s the leader of the Likud Party in Israel and that country’s Prime Minister  – big, big difference, and if you don’t understand that, you certainly shouldn’t be moderating Meet the Press):

*The goal of stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons is NOT a partisan political issue, it’s a policy issue on which both Republicans and Democrats agree. It’s also in the U.S. national interest to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons.

*He has “no doubt” that both Romney and Obama are “equally committed” in stopping Iran from getting nuclear weapons.

*The U.S.-Israel bond is a powerful one, the alliance is “very strong” and he is very appreciative of bipartisan support.

*Netanyahu is in close consultation with President Obama on the Iranian nuclear issue.

*It is “simply not the case” that President Obama has – as Mitt Romney has wildly charged – “thrown Israel under the bus.” To the contrary, “we have a strong alliance, and we’re going to continue to have a strong alliance.” “There’s no bus,” other than the “nuclear bus.”

*He was NOT “snubbed” by President Obama, but remains in close consultations, speaks to him all the time.

Once again, this time according to the Prime Minister of Israel, Mitt Romney is wrong, wrong, and wrong. Did I mention wrong?


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