Home 2019 Elections Herring Highlights Record of Protecting VA Women, Families; Obenshain Too Cowardly to...

Herring Highlights Record of Protecting VA Women, Families; Obenshain Too Cowardly to Appear


From the Mark Herring for AG campaign:



With Tea Party AG candidate Obenshain afraid to appear before women’s group, Herring highlights his record of protecting Virginia’s women and families


Today, Democratic candidate for Attorney General Mark Herring outlined his campaign platform at the Metro Richmond Women’s Bar Association Forum. In his address, Herring outlined the clear differences between his approach to protecting Virginia’s women and families as Attorney General and that of his opponent, Tea Party candidate Mark Obenshain.


“Virginia’s women are tired of the Obenshain-Cuccinelli approach to the office of Attorney General,” said Herring. “Time and time again, Mark Obenshain and Ken Cuccinelli have put their extreme agenda of making personal private decisions for women ahead of what’s best for Virginians. That’s why women in Virginian can’t trust Senator Obenshain or Ken Cuccinelli.”


“Senator Obenshain and Ken Cuccinelli have imposed a narrow Tea Party ideology, and I believe that is the wrong approach. When I’m Attorney General, I will take politics out of the office and put the law, and Virginians, first,” Herring added.


“It’s truly unfortunate that Senator Obenshain backed out of the debate today,” said Valerie L’Herrou, a member of the Metro Richmond Women’s Bar Association. “It makes me wonder if Senator Obenshain is afraid of speaking in front of a group of highly-educated professional women; women who make decisions on a daily basis, not only for themselves and their families, but for their clients, including some of the largest corporations in Virginia. The fact that Senator Obenshain refuses to actually stand in front of a group of women and explain any of his record of invading the personal lives of women speaks louder than any words.”


Herring told attendees that, as Virginia’s next Attorney General, he will refocus the office on protecting Virginians and keeping families and communities safe. He will continue his work to prevent sexual and domestic violence and crack down on sexual predators. Herring said he will support veterans, service members and their families, and will continue his work protecting seniors from financial fraud and abuse. Finally, Herring said he will return the highest ethical standards to the office of Attorney General.


Unlike Herring, Senator Obenshain and Ken Cuccinelli have focused on making personal health care decisions for women. They sponsored a personhood amendment that would outlaw abortion, even in cases of rape and incest, and ban common forms of birth control. They have also opposed equal pay for equal work protections.


Additionally, Senator Obenshain introduced his own personhood bill, sponsored a bill requiring women to report miscarriages to the police and called the transvaginal ultrasound bill a “common sense proposal.” 


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