Home National Politics Democracy Awakening: Join the Mass Movement Going to Washington, D.C.

Democracy Awakening: Join the Mass Movement Going to Washington, D.C.


by Karilyn Gower of Democracy Awakening

Where will you be on April 16-18? You could be joining fellow Virginians and thousands of everyday Americans who will be participating in a mass convergence on the nation’s capital called Democracy Awakening. What will we be doing? Taking back our democracy!

Our democracy is premised on the fundamental tenet — “one person, one vote.” But we still are fighting to ensure that every voice is heard and every vote is counted.

The barriers that shut Americans out of the political process – including restrictive voting laws and a campaign finance landscape that allows big money to shape elections – prevent us from effecting change on key fronts, from climate change to health care and immigration reform.

It is time to break down these barriers.

Democracy Awakening is a three-day event which reflects the nationwide demand for a democracy that works for all Americans, one in which everyone has an equal voice and elected officials are accountable to the people, not corporate interests or the wealthy.

Activists will stream into the capital from around the country – from Illinois to New Hampshire to Florida to Vermont, as well as Virginia. Find out more details about logistics and housing.

The event will be filled with demonstrations, teach-ins, direct action, music, a rally and advocacy for a “Congress of Conscience.”

The goal of Democracy Awakening is to protect the right to vote, ensure the integrity of the vote and get out the vote. That means fixing a badly broken Voting Rights Act by passing the Voting Rights Advancement Act. It means prodding Congress to pass legislation to empower small donors. It means passing a constitutional amendment to reverse the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling and get money out of politics. It means having a complete and fully functioning Supreme Court, which includes demanding the U.S. Senate allow a fair process and up-or-down vote to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by Justice Antonin Scalia’s death.

We will demand fundamental reform that makes our democracy work and enables us to tackle our great challenges together. More people, means more power. I hope you will join those who have already signed up.

To sign up or learn more visit DemocracyAwakening.org. For any questions please contact Courtney Fuller at cfuller@citizen.org.


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