Home Tim Kaine More Results from the Quinnipiac Poll: Sen. Kaine Leads Ingraham, Fiorina by...

More Results from the Quinnipiac Poll: Sen. Kaine Leads Ingraham, Fiorina by 20-21 Points


Good stuff from Quinnipiac’s poll (see the first part, from yesterday, here). Go Tim Kaine!

Sen. Kaine leads Republican talk show host Laura Ingraham 56 – 36 percent among all voters and tops businesswoman Carly Fiorina 57 – 36 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.

In the Kaine-Ingraham matchup, the Democrat leads 57 – 34 percent among women and 54 – 39 percent among men. He takes Democrats 98 – 1 percent and independent voters 54 – 32 percent. Republicans back Ingraham 86 – 8 percent.

White voters are divided with 48 percent for Kaine and 45 percent for Ingraham. Non- white voters go to Kaine 74 – 15 percent.

Kaine leads Fiorina 57 – 34 percent among women and 56 – 39 percent among men, 98 – 1 percent among Democrats and 55 – 32 percent among independent voters. Republicans back Fiorina 86 – 8 percent. He gets 49 percent of white voters to 45 percent for Fiorina. Non- white voters back Kaine 75 – 16 percent.

Other results of interest:

  • “President Donald Trump gets a negative 38 – 56 percent job approval rating in the Old Dominion. Republicans approve 81 – 11 percent, but Democrats disapprove 95 – 3 percent and independent voters disapprove 57 – 37 percent. Disapproval is 52 – 41 percent among men, 60 – 35 percent among women and 76 – 20 percent among non-white voters. White voters are divided as 46 percent approve and 48 percent disapprove.”
  • “Virginia voters disapprove 55 – 42 percent of President Trump’s order banning people from seven countries from entering the U.S.”
  • “Voters say 49 – 31 percent that the U.S. Senate should confirm Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. Sports for Home-Schooled Students”
  • “Virginia voters say 71 – 23 percent that home-schooled students should be allowed to play on public school sports teams. Support is strong among every party, gender, education, age and racial group measured.”

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