Home 2019 Elections Audio: Nick Freitas Warns Corey Stewart to Watch Out, He’s Going to...

Audio: Nick Freitas Warns Corey Stewart to Watch Out, He’s Going to Hit Back Hard


Fresh off his angry, incoherent tirade last Friday on the floor of the Virginia House of Delegates, Nick Freitas (R-NRA) is apparently feeling feisty these days. On Monday, Freitas warned his Republican rival, neo-Confederate Corey Stewart, essentially to watch out – or else. Asked by a listener how, if Freitas wins the VA GOP U.S. Senate primary, he plans to get Corey Stewart voters to vote for him instead of staying home like they did for Ed Gillespie. Freitas’ response (clearly referring to Corey): “I don’t have some of the baggage that is commonly associated with people running for office that have been in this business for decades.” Ooooh…them there’s fightin’ words! LOL

Freitas proceeded to diss Corey’s “surprisingly small” poll numbers, especially given that Corey has been “running for a long time now.” Ouch. Freitas also bragged about his endorsements and fundraising, while raising the specter of Corey’s staff having attacked him. Check this out by Freitas:

It has been VERY disappointing to see some of the comments that have been made by very close supporters and paid staff of Corey Stewart, some things that are deliberate lies. I’ve had people question my heritage. I’ve had people question my military service…If Corey’s people are going to continue to do some of the things they have, including his paid staffers, well then we may have a different race on our hands. I don’t want it to be that way, I sincerely do not. But I am NOT going to stand by and watch him come after my character or my integrity. I hold those things very dear. And as I tell people, I’m a man before I’m a politician. And if there’s certain things that you attack, prepare to get attacked back. I don’t want it to be that way, but again, I’m not going to  sit there and just take an onslaught of false accusations and character assassination…I’ll tell you this much, again I understand we’re all Republicans here, and again I want it to be a clean race, but I’ll tell you this much: when that poll comes out that does show me right there on part or ahead of Corey Stewart if he decides that his own only course of action is to come after me, what he’s going to be coming after is something he’s never done before. And I think it would be wise of him to consider that.

Wow. So is the 2018 Virginia GOP U.S. Senate race about to turn super-nasty? Will Nick Freitas let Corey Stewart pummel him or will he hit back?  All I can say is, this Republican primary is going to be a ton of fun. Popcorn time! 🙂


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