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“Quid Pro Quo” Ken Cuccinelli to Campaign with “Pay to Play” Nikki Haley


As we all know by now, Ken Cuccinelli is the epitome of the corrupt, “quid pro quo” politician – from Bobby Thompson and the “Navy Vets charity” scam to Jonnie Williams/Star Scientific to “chefgate” to CONSOL Energy to the Koch brothers to…it never ends. Combine that with Cuccinelli’s extremism on contraception, a woman’s right to choose, the environment, separation of church and state, economic policy, voting rights, etc, etc., and it’s a combination that nobody in their right mind should support.

Now, just to drive home all those points, Cuccinelli’s bringing in SC Gov. Nikki Haley, a far-right-wing nutjob on many of the same issues Cuccinelli is. Plus, as an added bonus, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) rated Haley one of the worst governors in America (a “clown”) for bringing “the same pay-to-play politics to the governor’s mansion” she’s demonstrated “since her days in the state legislature.”

For much of her term, Gov. Haley faced an ethics investigation and lawsuit focused on her outside employment while serving as a state representative. The complaint alleged the governor illegally lobbied on behalf of her former employer. Gov. Haley also earned $40,000 in consulting fees while serving in the legislature, which she did not disclose until her campaign for governor. The state House Ethics Committee ultimately cleared Gov. Haley of all charges.

According to a 2011 report, 26 of the 59 people Gov. Haley appointed to state boards and commissions were donors to her campaign, contributing $74,000 in total. Between November 2010 and October 2011, Gov. Haley regularly accepted trips on private planes belonging to people with potential business before the state, including an executive whose company received $4.5 million in state funds.

Sound familiar? Can we say “$1,000 turkey dinners?” In other words, she and Ken Cuccinelli are two rotten peas in a corrupt, extremist pod. They should get along very well together.


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