It’s Official: 9th District Democratic Convention Nominates Boucher


    The 9th Congressional District Democratic Convention this past Saturday nominated US Rep Rick Boucher. 188 attendees cheered and clapped, as US Rep. Rick Boucher came to the stage to the sounds of 2001: A Space Odyssey (and wrestler Ric Flair’s theme music).  The Roanoke Times reports that Boucher quipped, “I didn’t pick that music, by the way,” bringing laughter to the attendees.  

    When Rick Boucher campaigns, he doesn’t say his opponent’s name.  Yesterday would be no exception.  But the truth is that it would not be possible to tell who the oppo officially is just yet, though we have a good idea, because so many want Rick’s job.  There are six Republicans (including the arch-conservative Morgan Griffith) and one independent eager to take him on.  At least they think they are.  But Rick has a formidable contingent, which crosses party lines, in the 9th.  Yet in robotic fashion, the so-called MSM is abuzz with how “tough” this election year will be for candidates like Boucher.  Pass the Republican talking points anyone (snark)?  

    Boucher would caution to take nothing for granted.  Just the same, it’s instructive to take a look at Ben’s analysis over at NLS.  As NLS points out here, the “Fightin’ Ninth” takes 5 hours to drive from end to end. Analysis of the district by Ben here. Morgan hasn’t even begun to lay the groundwork in relationships with 9th District residents, which Rick has spent decades cultivating.  So, to Morgan, I say good luck with that.

    Did I mention the carpetbagging issue?  Though there is not a residency requirement, Griffith has never represented the 9th in any capacity.  Though his house is slightly outside the Republican gerrymandered 9th District, he has done absolutely nothing for the 9th, not even claimed us until opportunistically he finds it’s to his perceived advantage. So, the man who claims the 6th District as his home district has abandoned that one and tried to grab another.

    One thing is certain, Griffith’s ties with Bob McDonnell and Ken Cuccinelli are likely to hurt any thoughts he has about peeling off Dem and Independent voters. Rick hasn’t always voted the way I’d like.  But 50-60% of the time is way better than zero percent of the time, as it would be with Griffith.  Coem November the state will have had enough of the Two-person wrecking crew in Cuccinelli and the Governor who painfully tries to distance himself from his AG.  One thing is certain, unseating Boucher may be the hardest task any Republican has this election year.

    Rick Boucher supporters.

    Montgomery County Supervisor (District F), Mary Biggs

    Roscoe Reynolds

    Creigh Deeds

    John Edwards


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