Today, the Democratic Party of Virginia launched, a new website highlighting Republican Congressman Scott Rigell’s extreme record in Congress. Since his election in 2010, Rigell has pushed a radical agenda to court favor with the Tea Party instead of making life better for the people of Hampton Roads.
“Scott Rigell supported a Tea Party budget even too extreme for Republican Leader Eric Cantor,” said DPVA Spokesperson Ashley Bauman. “He voted for Paul Ryan’s plan to end Medicare as we know it and went along with Todd Akin’s attempt to redefine rape by limiting federal assistance for care for rape victims unless the rapes were ‘forcible.’

“Scott Rigell’s record shows him to be a steadfast supporter of the radical Tea Party agenda, not Virginia families. Virginians in the 2nd Congressional District need a leader in Washington who works for their best interests, not against them.”
Rigell is currently locked in a tight race to hold his seat in Virginia’s 2nd district. But with Rigell embracing extreme, Tea Party positions far outside the mainstream on important issues ranging from the economy to education, asks voters: If Scott Rigell is too extreme for his own party, isn’t he too extreme for Virginia?
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