Home National Politics First They Came for ObamaCare

First They Came for ObamaCare


by Josh Chernila

First they came for ObamaCare and the VA,
But they said they were failing anyway,
So, I said nothing.

Then they came for Medicare, Medicaid, Minimum Wage, and Social Security,
But I’m not old or poor, and people should make better choices,
So, I said nothing.

Then they came for Muslims,
but religious freedom is for Christians,
So, I said nothing.

Then they came for the teachers and the Department of Education,
But my kids go to Christian school, and my friends don’t have kids,
So I said nothing.

Then they came for the Mexicans,
But those families shouldn’t have been in our country,
So, I said nothing.

Then, they came for the climate accords, the EPA and the National Parks,
But who needs to save the planet, when they should be saving me?
So, I said nothing.

Then, they came for the intellectuals, dissidents, people with wrong ideas,
But if you have nothing to hide, you should have nothing to fear,
So, I said nothing.

Then they came for the gays, blacks, Asians, and those women who don’t know their rightful subservient place,
But that’s not my problem,
So, I said nothing.

Then they came for me,
But the rich, white, Christian, male aristocracy is always right,
So I went like a sheep.


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