Home Fairfax County After Helping Turn County Blue, Fairfax County Democratic Committee Institution Frank Anderson...

After Helping Turn County Blue, Fairfax County Democratic Committee Institution Frank Anderson Moves On to a New Challenge


Congratulations and good luck to Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) Executive Director Frank Anderson, who after eight years at the helm – and after helping turn the county almost completely blue! – is moving on to a new challenge. See below for Frank’s resignation letter, which notes that he’ll be moving on to serve as Fairfax County Supervisor-elect James Walkinshaw’s Chief of Staff. Great pick by James, by the way!

On a personal note, I’ve really enjoyed and benefited from having Frank available – 24/7/365, it feels like – to answer my many questions about what’s happening in FCDC and in Fairfax County politics. It’s also been great joking around with Frank, who – for everyone who hasn’t had the pleasure of meeting him – has a wicked sense of humor, including a great love for (and skill with) puns. But now I get to pick his (very smart and knowledgeable) brain about – and to lobby him on – Fairfax County policy, I guess, so there’s that. Heh.

Anyway, best wishes to Frank Anderson, and thanks for all your hard – and effective – work over the past eight years!


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