Home Amanda Chase Want to Spread COVID-19 as Quickly as Possible All Over Virginia? State...

Want to Spread COVID-19 as Quickly as Possible All Over Virginia? State Sen. Amanda Chase (R) Provides Some Great Tips!

Or, "Amanda Chase Teaches You How to Be a Superspreader!"


Yep, if for some insane reason your goal is to spread the COVID-19 virus as quickly as possible all around Virginia, far-right State Senator Amanda Chase (R), a candidate for governor in 2021, provided some great tips this weekend! (snark) Check it out, as she and her supporters: a) don’t worry about social distancing; b) don’t wear masks; c) shake each others’ hands (no hand sanitizer, soap or water in sight); d) gather in large groups; e) travel all over the state while engaging in “a” through “d”; and f) violate any/every CDC guideline you can think of. And yes, this person actually wants to be *governor*!


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