Home 2021 Elections Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA02): “Evoking George Soros as a shadowy funder is...

Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA02): “Evoking George Soros as a shadowy funder is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. This is an unacceptable statement from Glenn Youngkin.”


For some context on the use of George Soros as a bogeyman, see George Soros: Orbán turns to familiar scapegoat as Hungary rows with EU (“Orbán has reinvigorated his government’s anti-Soros campaign, which has often been marked by conspiratorial and antisemitic rhetoric”); Conspiracy theories about Soros aren’t just false. They’re anti-Semitic. (“Blaming Jewish outsiders for dissent and social unrest isn’t new.”); ‘Dripping with poison of antisemitism’: the demonization of George Soros; How Vilification of George Soros Moved From the Fringes to the Mainstream; etc. Bottom line: it’s pretty hard to believe that Glenn Youngkin is doing this randomly…


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