Home Abortion Team Biden-Harris Slam Team Trump’s Plans to Ban Abortion Nationwide, With or...

Team Biden-Harris Slam Team Trump’s Plans to Ban Abortion Nationwide, With or Without Congress

“The most chilling part of the playbook of horrors Trump’s advisors have cooked up is how confident they are that he can do untold damage in a second term—with or without Congress."


From the Biden-Harris campaign:

Team Biden-Harris Slam Team Trump’s Plans to Ban Abortion Nationwide, With or Without Congress

The following is a statement from Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez on new reporting that outlines Team Trump’s plan to circumvent Congress and institute more devastating attacks on reproductive care access.

“It’s never been clearer what the American people can expect from Donald Trump: if given power, he will circumvent Congress and further rip away women’s health care, including attempting to unilaterally institute a national abortion ban. These plans are as terrifying as they are unsurprising. This is the same guy who has said women who have an abortion should be punished, and is actively campaigning – and has even run ads – boasting about his role in overturning Roe v. Wade. The same guy who promises to rule as a dictator on his first day. As President Biden said yesterday, Donald Trump has no idea about the power of America’s women, and he’s about to find out this November.”

Reproductive Freedom for All President and CEO Mini Timmaraju said:

“The most chilling part of the playbook of horrors Trump’s advisors have cooked up is how confident they are that he can do untold damage in a second term—with or without Congress. If they have another opportunity, they’ll act on it, and the consequences will be unimaginable. We can’t afford to give them that chance, and the 8 in 10 Americans who support legal abortion won’t allow it.”

Planned Parenthood Action Fund President and CEO Alexis McGill Johnson released the following statement:

“Right now, we are living the consequence of a Donald Trump presidency. He has already caused unprecedented damage to abortion rights and to millions of people, which he has even bragged about. If given the opportunity, Donald Trump will try to bypass Congress to ban abortion nationwide and launch more attacks on our fundamental freedoms. He is a disaster for democracy and a disaster for sexual and reproductive health care. Come November, we know that voters will not be fooled: President Biden and Vice President Harris are the only ticket with a record of protecting reproductive freedom.”

EMILYs List Interim President Jessica Mackler released the following statement:

“One day after we learned Donald Trump wants a federal abortion ban, reports show that his allies are planning to use the full force of government to roll back our reproductive rights. This is yet another reminder that no matter how Republicans try to rebrand their abortion agenda, their plan is clear: they want to end abortion rights and access altogether. There is a clear choice in November: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who have worked consistently to protect our rights, or Donald Trump and his Republican allies, who want to take our decisions and our rights away.”

ACLU Chief Advocacy & Political Officer, Deirdre Schifeling released the following statement:

“Trump’s comments in support of a nationwide abortion ban show what we’ve long known: He and anti-abortion extremists at all levels will stop at nothing until our rights are stripped away.

The majority of Americans strongly support abortion rights. We must elect leaders this year who reflect our values and push to restore abortion access in every state across the country. The only way we can stop extreme bans is to elect a president, and a House and Senate, that will pass federal legislation to protect abortion rights and reproductive freedom — voters deserve nothing less.”


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