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Sen. Mark Warner: “Today, the Senate has once again acted to stand with our NATO allies and keep our word to Ukrainians”; “averted a potentially historic, catastrophic failure. 


From Sen. Mark Warner’s office:


~ On Congressional passage of the national security aid package ~

WASHINGTON – Today, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the following statement on Congressional passage of the supplemental foreign aid package for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and the Indo-Pacific:

“For the last two years, U.S. aid has been indispensable in helping Ukraine stave off Russia’s unlawful, brutal attacks. Without risking the life of a single American or NATO soldier, Ukraine has imposed enormous losses on Russia’s military, preserved democracy over autocracy, and thwarted Putin’s imperial ambitions. Today, the Senate has once again acted to stand with our NATO allies and keep our word to Ukrainians. It never should have taken this long, but I’m tremendously relieved that Congress has finally passed this critical aid and averted a potentially historic, catastrophic failure. 

“At the same time, the bill takes square aim at several other pressing national security concerns. By including the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, it takes long overdue steps to curb the flow of fentanyl into our country. It delivers support to Israel and humanitarian aid for Palestinian civilians in Gaza. To counter the rise of China, it secures aid for our partners in the Indo-Pacific and compels the divestiture of TikTok from its parent company, ByteDance, which is legally required to do the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party. Across Europe, the Middle East, the Indo-Pacific, and at home, this legislation makes critical investments in keeping Americans safe and protecting our trust and position on the global stage. I look forward to President Biden’s signature.”


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