Home Budget, Economy Video: Sen. Louise Lucas, Del. Luke Torian Say Youngkin’s “understanding of the...

Video: Sen. Louise Lucas, Del. Luke Torian Say Youngkin’s “understanding of the budget process” Is What’s “backwards”; Going to Be Hard to Have “productive negotiations” with Youngkin’s (Bad) Attitude.


With Gov. Youngkin shortly announcing his amendments – likely very bad, harmful, etc. – to the Virginia budget, see below for a response by Del. Luke Torian and Sen. Louise Lucas, chairs of their bodies’ respective “money committees.” As Sen. Lucas says, directed at Youngkin:

“Unfortunately, it’s hard to envision productive negotiations being undertaken in the midst of your statewide tour touting a ‘backwards budget’. What is backwards is your understanding of the budget process, your desire to engage the legislature in casting amendments to the Budget prior to the reconvene session is unprecedented, much like your ongoing threats to veto the budget in its entirety if it does not meet with your demands.”

Bingo. Not that Youngkin cares, of course…


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