Home 2024 Elections Must-Read, Brutally Honest Column After the Instantly Infamous Jake Tapper Interview: “Don’t...

Must-Read, Brutally Honest Column After the Instantly Infamous Jake Tapper Interview: “Don’t be Glenn Youngkin. History will remember.”

Youngkin and his lik "represent the worst of America...They are depraved, soulless, and spineless"


Wow, this is a really superb column by Robert B. Hubbell – and something you’ll certainly never see in the WaPo, NY Times, etc., because they are DESPERATE to keep their precious “access” to Youngkin and other politicians. And even if they DID write something, they’d never write it like this! Key points:

  • “Using the military against civilians is the common tactic of fascist governments everywhere. It is a singular moment in American history when a major party candidate is using threats of military force against US citizens as a campaign promise.”
  • So how did Glenn Youngkin respond? When confronted by Jake Tapper on CNN last night with Trump’s EXACT WORDS threatening to unleash the military on U.S. citizens, Youngkin gaslit, “excusing and defending Trump’s threat to use the military against Americans.” That’s right, “spineless cowards like Glenn Youngkin not only refuse to condemn [Trump] but rise to defend him.”
  • Other than being an amoral/immoral, power-hungry scumbag, why did Youngkin do this??? As Robert B. Hubbell put it in his brilliant column: “Youngkin clearly (and wrongly) believes he has a political future that is dependent on not angering Trump’s cultish base. Youngkin has made the political calculation that advancing his future political prospects is more important than protecting Americans against a threat of military force to achieve the partisan pollical goals of the president.”
  • So yeah, Youngkin and his ilk really do, as Hubbell puts it, “represent the worst of America…They are depraved, soulless, and spineless…cloyingly self-righteous as they look straight at the camera and lie for someone JD Vance called ‘America’s Hitler.'” Yes, Virginia, THAT describes our governor perfectly. And no, you will NEVER read that in the “mainstream media,” because…yeah, speaking of “soulless” and “spineless cowards.”
  • Bottom line: whatever Youngkin was when he ran for governor in 2021 (definitely NOT a “moderate,” but some sort of weird hybrid between MAGA right winger and a reasonable, suburban sweater-vest dude), at this point he’s thrown in his lot, lock stock and barrel, with the party of “white nationalism, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and depravity.” For that alone, not to mention the fact that he’s greatly damaged Virginia and accomplished next to nothing positive as governor, Youngkin’s name deserves to live in infamy, along with the worst governors in Virginia – or, hell, American – history.




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