Home Bob Good U.S. House Votes 407-16 To Protect Protect Afghan Allies Who Risked Their...

U.S. House Votes 407-16 To Protect Protect Afghan Allies Who Risked Their Lives For Us. Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) Is One of the 16 (Along with Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, etc.) Who Prefers to Betray Them.

Attention, VA05 voters: PLEASE replace this @#$@#!


This morning, the U.S. House overwhelmingly passed (407-16) HR 3985 – the “Allies Act of 2021” – the purpose of which is “[t]o amend the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 to expedite the special immigrant visa process for certain Afghan allies, and for other purposes.” So why on earth would anyone vote against this bill, which – as Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA08) explains – “would expand the Afghan Special Immigrant Visa program by 8,000 visas, bringing safety to those who put their lives on the line to help us?

Now, it’s of course utterly bizarre and disgraceful to vote against this bill. And indeed, when you look at who voted “nay,” it’s basically the extremist dregs of the U.S. House – folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Thomas Massie and…yep, Virginia’s own Bob Good (R-VA05). For more on Good, and why it’s not surprising – albeit disgusting – that he voted the wrong way on this – see: VA 5th CD Dems: Rep. Bob Good (R)’s Behavior “puts him firmly against the Constitutional oath to defend the United States against domestic enemies”; Video: Asked By Reporters About Being Called a Racist, Extremist Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) Whines, “you wouldn’t tell me you were going to ask me that question”; Rep. Bob Good Votes Against Honoring Police Officers Who Protected The Capitol From Rioters; Professor Larry Sabato: “Great job, voters in VA-5. You elected a real loony toon.”; Audio: Far-Right Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) Says “I am thankful to have Marjorie Greene in the Congress, I think she stands for a lot of great things.”; Virginia’s Four Republican Members of Congress All Get “F/Very Poor” Ratings On New “GOP Democracy Report Card”; etc. And next November, let’s just hope VA05 voters get themselves a new member of Congress, because Bob Good certainly isn’t cutting it…


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