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Biden-Harris 2024 Statement on Donald Trump Once Again Calling for a MAGA Government Shutdown

"House Republicans are gleefully letting Donald Trump function as their chief political strategist at the expense of American families"


From the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign:

Biden-Harris 2024 Statement on Donald Trump Once Again Calling for a MAGA Government Shutdown

The following is a statement from Kevin Munoz, spokesperson for Biden-Harris 2024:

“Let’s be clear what is happening here: Trump is directing MAGA House Republicans to either slash funding for food safety, education, law enforcement, housing, and more, or completely shut down the government — which could delay cancer research, force federal law enforcement and troops to work without pay, and kneecap essential services hardworking Americans rely on every day. All because the former president believes this helps him politically. House Republicans are gleefully letting Donald Trump function as their chief political strategist at the expense of American families. Trump’s behavior is shameful, but unsurprising from someone who has demonstrated he couldn’t care less about the American people.”  

Trump’s latest directive for House Republicans: “UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN!” 

Sahil Kapur, MSNBC: “Donald Trump’s new instruction to congressional Republicans on government funding: ‘UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN!’

(Worth remembering, Trump forced a 35-day shutdown over wall money as president but ultimately caved and reopened gov’t after getting nothing.)”

Split screen: As Trump cheers for an extreme MAGA shutdown, hardworking Americans are bracing for its impacts — a majority of American adults know that a Republican shutdown would affect them personally. 

Axios: “More than half of American adults say a shutdown of the federal government would affect them personally — and 68% say the threat of one decreases their trust in the government, a new survey says.”

Republicans pretend to care about border security, but their proposed cuts could jeopardize Customs and Border Protection’s funding — and a government shutdown could weaken security at the border.

The White House: “What would it mean for the American people if House Republicans’ proposed 8% cuts were extended for the entire year? … 800 fewer Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents and officers”

Dallas Morning News: “A congressional report after the last budget stalemate in 2019 found border security deteriorated markedly during the furloughs, creating significant vulnerabilities that lasted long after federal workers returned to work.”

As our allies in Ukraine fight in Putin’s unprovoked bloody war, a  Republican government shutdown could jeopardize essential aid to Ukraine — which could put our allies in harm’s way and undermine democracy. 

Washington Post: “Top defense officials in recent days have signaled that a shutdown next month could prove uniquely disruptive — even inhibiting their ability to provide some foreign military aid. That includes the supply of select materiel to Ukraine as it continues to fend off Russia, which some House Republicans oppose.”

Some essential inspections that ensure the safety of our food and water would stop if MAGA Republicans shut down the government. 

Washington Post: “Some federal inspections that ensure food safety and prevent the release of hazardous chemicals in drinking water would be halted, the Biden administration has warned. Federal research toward cancer cures and other innovative therapies would cease. Passport offices in parts of the country are expected to close, snarling some Americans’ plans for international travel.

“And with each passing day, Washington would further deplete federal safety-net programs that carry over their unused money from past years. Eventually, the government may not be able to provide some poor families with child care, nutrition assistance, housing vouchers or college financial aid. The longer a shutdown persists, the greater the blow it could ultimately deliver to an economy that has teetered for more than a year on the precipice of recession.”

A government shutdown could significantly impact seniors’ ability to access their benefits as some essential services at the Social Security Administration come to a screeching halt. 

The Hill: Opinion: “Customer service at the beleaguered Social Security Administration (SSA) is already suffering from chronic underfunding by Congress. In the event of a shutdown, SSA employees would be forced to continue working (without being paid until the shutdown ended) and they’d be limited to performing only their most basic work functions. Non-automated and non-exempted SSA operations would come to a screeching halt. Current work backlogs would begin to grow again. If that happens, seniors hoping to submit new Social Security claims, replace Social Security cards, or report a change in status may experience delays until the shutdown ends.”

Republicans claim to support our troops, but if MAGA Republicans refuse to get their house in order, service members could be forced to work without pay. 

CBS News: “Members of the military and federal law enforcement would continue going to work, but may not be paid until Congress approved government funding. Most civilian personnel working for the Defense Department, such as military technicians, would be furloughed, and military personnel may step in to carry out their work, according to a contingency plan for the continuation of essential operations issued by the Pentagon in August.”

And if MAGA Republicans let a shutdown drag on for long enough, disability payments for America’s veterans could stop.

CBS News: “But there can still be ramifications for veterans, especially if a shutdown drags on for an extended period of time. During the October 2013 shutdown, VA officials warned that disability payments might be stalled if the closure lasted beyond several weeks.”

A government shutdown would devastate America’s small businesses.

Axios: “Driving the news: 91% of small business owners surveyed from Aug. 29 to Sept. 7 said it’s important for the federal government to avert a government shutdown, according to the latest Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Voices survey. 70% said their business would be negatively impacted and of those, 93% believe their revenue would take a hit.”

Even essential medical research into diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s could be stalled. 

ABC News: “According to the White House, an upcoming shutdown could delay new clinical trials for cancer and other research, halt food and environmental inspections, and put disaster relief programs at risk.”

Paid for by Biden for President


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