Home Redistricting U.S. District Court Orders “Special Master” Names in “Racial Packing” Case by...

U.S. District Court Orders “Special Master” Names in “Racial Packing” Case by 9/20; Progress Reports on 9/28, 10/5, 10/19, 11/2


See below for today’s order by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia regarding the need to redraw Virginia House of Delegates districts to undo “racial packing” by Republicans.

The court ordered that it be provided with several progress reports: 1) “On September 20, 2018, the parties shall propose the names of candidates to serve herein as Special Master to aid in the redistricting process if that should become necessary”; 2) “By September 25, 2018, the parties shall have conferred and, on that date, the parties shall report whether they have agreed on any candidate (s)”; 3) “On September 28, 2018; October 5, 2018; October 19, 2018; and November 2, 2018, the Intervenor-Defendants shall file status reports on the progress of the redistricting efforts in the General Assembly.” Otherwise, the court stated, “the MOTION TO MODIFY THIS COURT’S JUNE 26, 2018 ORDER AND PROCEED IMMEDIATELY WITH REMEDIAL PHASE (ECF No. 257) is denied.”



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