Home Tim Kaine Tim Kaine Releases First Spanish Language TV Ad of 2018 Campaign, “Luchando”

Tim Kaine Releases First Spanish Language TV Ad of 2018 Campaign, “Luchando”

En ‘Luchando’ Kaine Enfatiza Su Compromiso de Seguir Luchando Para Una Reforma Migratoria Comprensiva, Una Educación de Alta Calidad y Salud Medico


The following Spanish-language ad is from Sen. Tim Kaine’s campaign. Meanwhile, neo-Confederate Corey just tweeted, “In one year, Illegal aliens gave birth to 297,000 anchor babies, costing taxpayers $2.4 billion.” The contrast between these two candidates couldn’t be starer. In 28 days, make sure you vote for Tim Kaine, and remind everyone you know to do the same!

Tim Kaine Releases First Spanish Language TV Ad of 2018 Campaign

In ‘Luchando,’ Kaine Emphasizes His Commitment to Continue Fighting for Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Quality Education, and Health Care


In the first Spanish language television ad of his 2018 campaign, Senator Tim Kaine highlights his efforts to make “comprehensive immigration reform a reality” and his dedication to continue “fighting for quality education and health care for all Latinos.” In the ad, Kaine affirms that “we are all Virginia,” and recognizes the “hard work and determination” that he sees “every day in Virginia’s Latino community.” Kaine’s positive, inclusive message is in stark contrast to Corey Stewart, who has repeatedly bragged about his divisive attacks on immigrant communities and has a long record of supporting policies that would harm Virginia’s economy and make the Commonwealth less safe.

Kaine firmly believes that Virginia is made stronger by its diversity, and has long worked to lift up immigrant communities. He strongly supported the comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed the Senate in 2013 that created a path to citizenship and funded border security. During the debate on that legislation, Kaine delivered the first-ever full Senate floor speech in Spanish in support of the bipartisan plan. In addition, Kaine is a strong supporter of the Dream Act and is committed to finding a solution to protect Dreamers and TPS recipients from deportation.

The ad builds upon the campaign’s efforts to speak more clearly to the growing diverse electorate in Virginia, including Spanish language digital ads and offering the campaign website in Spanish, Korean, and Vietnamese. The 30-second ad is part of a six-figure buy that began airing on Spanish language television stations in the Washington, DC, media market this Monday.

Transcript of ‘Luchando’

La determinación y el trabajo duro son los pilares de una economía sólida.

Y lo veo cada día en la comunidad latina de Virginia.

Por eso, he trabajado para lograr que la reforma migratoria sea una realidad, para que nuestra economía y fuerza laboral crezcan.

Y seguiré luchando por una buena educación y seguro médico para todos los latinos.

Yo soy Tim Kaine, candidato al Senado y apruebo este mensaje porque todos somos Virginia.

Translation of ‘Luchando’

Hard work and determination are key to the backbone of the economy.

I see it every day in Virginia’s Latino community.

Because of that, I’ve worked to make comprehensive immigration reform a reality so that our economy and workforce grow.

And I’ll keep fighting for quality education and health care for all Latinos.

I’m Tim Kaine, candidate for Senate, and I approve this message because we are all Virginia.

Tim Kaine Lanza Su Primer Anuncio en Español de Su Campaña

En ‘Luchando’ Kaine Enfatiza Su Compromiso de Seguir Luchando Para Una Reforma Migratoria Comprensiva, Una Educación de Alta Calidad y Salud Medico


En su primer anuncio en español de su campaña, el senador Tim Kaine resalta sus esfuerzos para lograr que “la reforma migratoria sea una realidad” y su dedicación de seguir “luchando para una educación de alta calidad y salud medico para todos los Latinos.” En su anuncio, Kaine reafirma que “todos somos Virginia” y reconoce la “contribución laboral y determinación” que el observa “cada día en la comunidad Latina de Virginia.” El mensaje positivo e inclusivo de Kaine es un gran contraste rígido a Corey Stewart, quien a continuamente presumido de sus ataques divisivos hacia la comunidad inmigrante con un historial de apoyar políticas que dañan la economía y comprometen la seguridad de Virginia.

Kaine cree firmemente que Virginia se fortalece a través de su diversidad, y ha trabajado por mucho tiempo para apoyar la comunidad inmigrante. El le brindo un gran apoyo a la legislación de reforma migratoria que fue aprobado en el senado en el 2013 que incluyo un camino hacia la ciudadanía y fondos para la seguridad fronteriza. Durante el debate sobre la legislación, Kaine realizo el primer discurso completamente en español en el senado para apoyar este plan bipartidista. Kaine apoya firmemente el Dream Act y se a comprometido a encontrar una solución para proteger a los Dreamers y recipientes de TPS contra la deportación.

El anuncio destaca los esfuerzos de la campaña para comunicarse directamente al electorado diverso de Virginia, incluso anuncios digitales, ofreciendo la pagina web en español, coreano, y vietnamita. El anuncio aparecerá en español en las estaciones de Washington, DC esta semana.


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