Home Labor House Votes to Raise Minimum Wage, with Almost All Dems (Including All...

House Votes to Raise Minimum Wage, with Almost All Dems (Including All 7 From Virginia) Voting Yes, Almost All Republicans (Including All 4 from Virginia ) Voting No


People earning the minimum wage are long, long overdue for a raise, given that $7.25/hour is an absurdly low amount of money and that the minimum wage hasn’t been increased for a decade (since 2009). Not surprisingly, almost every Democrat – including every member of the Virginia delegation – voted yes, while almost every Republican – including every member of the Virginia delegation – voted no. Which, as usual, tells you a great deal about each party’s values, and why we need to embrace the former and reject the latter. Yet another example of why anyone who makes the argument that “both parties are the same” or “my vote doesn’t matter” are completely and wildly wrong.

See below for some reactions by Democratic House members from Virginia.

Very proud to see the #RaiseTheWage Act pass the House. https://t.co/MoBqp9Zip3 pic.twitter.com/J0D6Ww7fym

Beyer Votes To Raise Minimum Wage

July 18, 2019 (Washington, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Representative Don Beyer (VA-08) issued the following statement on his vote for H.R. 582, the “Raise the Wage Act,” which would gradually raise the federal minimum wage to $15 by 2025:

“For decades, Americans earning the minimum wage have watched the monetary value of their 40-hour work week plummet. Today’s single mom with two kids earning the federal minimum wage falls thousands of dollars below the poverty threshold. As our economy continues to evolve, hardworking Americans are being left behind, and this legislation would help reverse that trend.

“House Democrats promised to raise pay for workers, and today we kept that promise. I’m proud that we passed the Raise The Wage Act to give more than 33 million hardworking Americans a raise for the first time in a decade. This important bill will lift at least 1.3 million workers out of poverty, including 600,000 children. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to stand with American workers, pass this bill, and give them the raise they both need and deserve.”

McEachin Votes in Support of the Raise the Wage Act 

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) voted for House passage of the Raise the Wage Act of 2019, legislation he cosponsored to raise the federal minimum wage for the first time in 10 years. The bill will gradually increase the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour over a six-year period. Additionally, the act would phase out the subminimum wage for tipped workers, youth workers, and workers with disabilities. To keep up with inflation, the Raise the Wage Act indexes future minimum wage increases to median hourly wage growth.

“Establishing a livable wage is a positive step forward for economic justice in this country,” said Congressman A. Donald McEachin. “No American should be struggling to live about the poverty line while working full-time. Since coming to Congress, I have consistently advocated for raising the minimum wage, and this legislation will help address inequality and ease financial burdens on hardworking individuals in Virginia and across our country. I will continue to fight for fairer wages for all Americans.”

  • The Raise the Wage Act could increase wages for more than 30 million American workers, according to independent economic analysis from the Economic Policy Institute. Even the Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) more cautious estimate of a similar proposal indicated as many as 27 million workers could see a wage increase.
  • The Raise the Wage Act could lift 1.3 million Americans out of poverty, including 600,000 children, according to the CBO’s recent report.
  • The Raise the Wage Act also helps secure equality and fairness for women by giving an estimated 23 million working women a raise and helping narrow the gender wage gap that disproportionately impacts women of color.

The federal minimum wage was last raised a decade ago. Since then, workers have struggled keep up with the increasing costs of housing, healthcare, and education while the minimum wage has remained stagnant. The Raise the Wage Act accounts for changing market prices to give more Americans access to baseline financial stability. It is time to ensure that all Americans who work 40 hours a week are able to live above the poverty line.


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