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Virginia Republicans Attack Del. Ibraheem Samirah (“Ill Advised Little Bastard”), Leap to Defend the Corrupt, Authoritarian Republican Racist-in-Chief


See below for Virginia Republicans’ reaction to yesterday’s protest by Del. Ibraheem Samirah of Racist-in-Chief Donald Trump’s speech at the Jamestown commemoration. Classy as always, Virginia Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment (R) – who edited a yearbook “filled with racist photos and slurs” and who the Washington Post editorial page correctly called out for his corrupt “ethical vacuum” – tweeted that Samirah is supposedly an “ill advised little bastard.” Nice, eh?

As for House Speaker Kirk Cox (R), he didn’t use foul language, like his Senate Republican counterpart, but the language Cox did use was at best wildly hypocritical. I mean, seriously? Cox is going to call out Samirah’s protest for being “disrespectful” to Trump and being “inconsistent with common decency,” but Cox is NOT going to call out Trump for his uncounted instances of racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, vicious, abusive, ignorant, etc. language? And, of course, Cox is NOT going to call out Trump for his ACTIONS against democracy, the rule of law, immigrant families (kids in cages, anyone?), immigrants from Muslim countries, science, the environment, working people, communities of color, the constitution, democracy, decency, etc? Nope. On all those fronts, it’s dead silence (or worse, as the chants of “Trump! Trump! Trump” by Republicans at the Jamestown event yesterday exemplified) from Cox, Norment et al.

By the way, it looks like Cox’s tweet was “ratioed” (“when replies to a tweet vastly outnumber likes or retweets. This means people are objecting to the tweet and considering its content bad”) with comments such as:

  • As a Virginia resident & voter, I am not merely disappointed by your cowardice & groveling to the Fascist in Chief, I am disgusted by it. @IbraheemSamirah  is a patriot for standing up to the mobster at the podium. We reject trump’s racism, hate speech, bigotry & cruelty.”
  • “Sir Samirah was speaking out 4 millions of Americans who think DT is disrespectful 2 them, what our country was built on, and our values. DT mocks his office every day with his disrespectful treatment of Americans who disagree with him. Samirah stood up 4 us. I thank him!”
  • I am disappointed in the guy who berated Baltimore and Rep. Cummings for 15 minutes during what was supposed to be a celebration of democracy. I was grateful for the interruption. Your slip is showing Mr. Speaker.”
  • We’re disappointed in people who side with racists.”

And finally, this spot-on comment by Cindy:

  • We seem to have VERY different definitions of ‘common decency.’ I would say that applauding someone who told US citizens—public servants nonetheless—to ‘go back’ to the ‘places from which they came’ does not constitute ‘common decency.'”


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