Home National Politics Video: Pat Robertson Claims Groups “Twist” and “Distort” His Hateful Words

Video: Pat Robertson Claims Groups “Twist” and “Distort” His Hateful Words


Poor Pat, it’s tough when your hateful, bat**** crazy words are called out for what they are. For instance: Husband Cheated, but “He’s a Man!” and Planned Parenthood Backs Genocide, Inspired Hitler and “Wild” Liberals Support “Society of Death” and Liberals, Gays “Want a Dictatorship” and…on and on it goes.  I’d just remind everybody that that Robertson has given s***-tons of money to Virginia Republicans, including “Bobby” McDonnell and George Allen. No wonder why you never hear those guys distance themselves from any of Robertson’s demented, extreme remarks. Also, they probably agree with him, given their record on social issues (McDonnell didn’t earn the nicknames “Taliban Bob” and “Transvaginal Bob” for nothing).


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