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President Obama: “Republicans Blocking Progress”


“The President calls on Republicans in Congress to put scoring political points aside, and instead to focus on solving the problems facing the nation.  At the time of this address, the Republican leadership is blocking progress on a bill to boost the economy, retain jobs for teachers and cops, and help people buy their first home; another bill which would hold oil companies accountable for any disasters they cause by removing the current $75 million liability cap; and 136 highly qualified men and women who have been nominated to government positions.”

On the other hand, Eric Cantor says that Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe, which even its partner Anadarko blames on BP, is a “natural disaster.”  No, Mr. Cantor, it’s your policies and your ideology that led to this “disaster,” and they’re all manmade, by people just like yourself. Instead of apologizing to BP (or trying to blame President Obama, Democrats, environmentalists, anyone but yourselves), why don’t you guys apologize to the American people for what deregulation, crony capitalism, gutting government regulation, and creating a new “robber baron” era in this country, have done to us?

Americans Support Stimulus Spending to Create Jobs


The Senate just cut off extension of jobless benefits (with the help of Senators Nelson, Lieberman, Snowe, and Collins), because the American people are supposedly very, very worried about deficit spending—- so say the Tea Party-Republicans, The Wall Street Journal, talking heads from Capitol Hill to the Beltway.  This is the latest Conventional Wisdom, in other words, which means in reality no more than what the Republican High Command has decreed is to be A Big Issue for the November elections.

Well, the Conventional Wisdom is wrong.

A new poll by Gallup dated 17 June says that “Americans are most supportive of authorizing more economic stimulus spending.” The poll found that 60 percent of Americans say they favor “additional government spending to create jobs and stimulate the economy.”

Apparently the cacophony generated by the Petersen Foundation and the Republican minions of Wall Street/banksters about reducing the deficit is so far not resonating with the average voter, who appears to be more concerned with his own well being and ability to survive than with any possible future problems with the federal debt.

That says it all when it comes to deciding who benefits from imposing sudden, ruthless austerity in a time of economic troubles: the big rich investors; and who bears the pain: the average, middle class family. If we cut off federal stimulus now, to satisfy Big Money banks, we will kill the fragile recovery. Just what the Republicans ordered.  

Delegates Englin and Hope: McDonnell’s Change of Position on Medicaid Puts Virginia Jobs at Risk


I just received this from Delegates David Englin (D-45) and Patrick Hope (D-47). I thought it was worth passing along, as I strongly concur with Englin’s and Hope’s position on this issue.  As usual, Bob McDonnell is being driven by his right-wing ideology instead of by the best interests of Virginia, let alone concern for the poorest and most vulnerable Virginians. That’s truly unfortunate.

Englin and Hope question McDonnell stance on Medicaid funds and urge Congress to act

State Delegates note that Governor’s change of position puts Virginia jobs at risk

Arlington – Governor Robert F. McDonnell told reporters Monday that he no longer plans to ask Congress to support an enhanced federal match for Medicaid benefits to the states unless the funds are offset, citing concerns about the deficit. Yet he signed a letter in February, along with 46 other governors, indicating that an extension of these funds, known as FMAP, “would greatly assist us in maintaining services and further stabilizing the economy.”

“The General Assembly didn’t write such conditions for these Medicaid funds in Virginia’s budget, and Governor McDonnell didn’t propose such conditions before he signed the budget in April,” said Delegate Patrick Hope (D-47). “When exactly did the federal deficit become a revelation to the Governor? Why is he changing his position and putting Virginia jobs and Virginia citizens at risk?”

“Congress is getting ready to vote on this issue. With Virginia preparing cut services to thousands of our most vulnerable citizens because Congress has yet to approve this money, it’s irresponsible for Governor McDonnell to send a message that this money is no longer necessary,” said Delegate David Englin (D-45). “We urge Governor McDonnell to stick with his February position and join us in calling on Congress to approve this money now to protect Virginia jobs and Virginia citizens.”

Meanwhile, Congress adjourned today without approving these funds, which means another week will go by without providing this critical funding to the states.

“Congress needs to understand the consequences of inaction,” said Hope. “Hundreds of thousands of Virginians are depending on the funding these services provide; thousands of jobs in the health care sector are at stake.”

Perriello Campaign on Robert Hurt: “This is pitiful”


This truly is pitiful.

Five days after his statement appeared in print that he would “absolutely” be willing to appear in debates with both Tom Perriello and independent candidate Jeff Clark, Sen. Robert Hurt is changing his story. He is now refusing to debate with the independent candidate.


This is pitiful. Virginians hate career politicians who say one thing and do another. Sen. Hurt should stay true to his word and debate Mr. Perriello and Mr. Clark. Sen. Hurt could not get the majority support of his own party and now wants to silence independent voices that reflect many in this district, including many views of the Tea Party,” said Lise Clavel, campaign manager for the Perriello campaign. “Tom Perriello faced hundreds of Tea Party constituents during his 21 town hall meetings last summer. If Sen. Hurt wants this job so badly, why is he afraid to face just one?

Good question, but I’m sure Hurt’s puppet master, Chris “Swift Boat” LaCivita, has a good answer. Or not.

Where Ken Cuccinelli is Concerned, AG Really Means Abominable Grandstander


Talking Points Memo reports today that our  “AG” (Abominable Grandstander), Ken Cuccinelli,  still will not give the donations he received from a fake veterans organization to to real veterans.

Previously he took a $55,000 donation from the so-called “U.S. Navy Veterans Association” (USNVA) founder Bobby Thompson.  It turns out, however, that Thompson’s group was allegedly not what it was “cracked up to be.”  (You have to be pretty low to allegedly take money supposedly for veterans and then not give anything at all to veterans.)  So, other pols returned the donations or donated them to charity.  Not Cooch.

Said TPM:

After his fellow state Republicans discovered it, they hastily turned around and gave the tainted donations to actual non-profits that help individual veterans. Not Cuccinelli, though: he insisted on keeping them even as he told reporters that he also would not be initiating any investigation into Thompson or USNVA.

Today, Cooch announced he would put the money into an “escrow account,” pending the investigation into the group by the Agriculture and Consumer Services Committee. But according to TPM, Cooch will only return the money if it turns out that the organization’s money went to enrich its founder. As TPM points out, apparently, Cooch doesn’t care that no money was donated to real veterans.  That’s our AG folks, not a real AG, but rather an abominable grandstander. He’s also a hypocrite.  He talks about the right thing and being “right,” but doesn’t really know what that means.

Debtors’ Prisons Again?


It is not that the US need incarcerate any more of its populace.  With 2% of the world’s population, we incarcerate 23% of the world’s total inmates, mostly our own people. More than any country in the world, we keep inventing new ways to lock people up.  Sometimes, it’s the reinvention of an old way, taking us not just back to the 20th Century, but further back still.  Debtors’ prisons were abolished in the 19th Century, but the prison-industrial-complex has a plan.  

In some states those owing money are rounded up and thrown in jail. In other words, in some places, it is now a “crime” to be poor, unemployed and in financial ruin. Recall that, according to the Weird Laws app, it’s illegal to be broke in Illinois.  Recall also that more than half of all bankruptcies are due at least in part to medical bills.  Job loss is another major cause of unpaid debt.

Imagine you, a law abiding citizen, hear hear a knock on the door one night, followed by the reading of an arrest warrant.  Imagine spending a night (or longer) in jail, possibly with no one knowing what happened to you.  Imagine further that you had no time to arrange care for your family members or your pets.  So much urgency and haste, –for an unpaid bill!

This happened to Deborah Poplawki–for a $250 debt.  Read about her and other victims of such practices here.  Hard economic times are difficult enough without this cruelty and bullying brutality.

A few weeks ago we learned from a Huffington Post investigative story that delinquent water bills could cost a homeowner his or her house at a “tax” sale, even if the homeowner owns it outright. Today police now act as bill collection enforcer for companies not wanting to do their own bill collection.

Pay your bills on time, you say?  In some states, an error, a mistake or identity theft could still land you in jail and up the creek.  Write to Jim Webb, who seemingly is the only one who cares about travesties such as this.  Ask him to add this to his list of prison-industrial-complex concerns.  And then double check all your accounts are in order.  Faster than you can say economic injustice, chances are some bully “purchaser of  debt” will go too far.

Monkey-face Throws a Monkey Wrench


Just as the President’s commission on government debt gets going, and showing a suspicious co-ordination with the growing Republican-Wall Street campaign to curtail federal debt and wring more money from Main Street in preference to mounting a new attack to stimulate job growth, up pops Alan Greenspan with another piece of sage advice.  According to Bloomberg the former Federal Reserve Chair (1987-2006) testified at a Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in Washington, that the U.S. may soon face higher borrowing costs (i.e., interest payments) on its “swelling debt.” Bloomberg also quoted from Greenspan’s own article in The Wall Street Journal, where he stated

“The United States, and most of the rest of the developed world, is in need of a tectonic shift in fiscal policy… the federal government is currently saddled with commitments for the next three decades that it will be unable to meet in real terms…. (the) very severity of the pending crisis and growing analogies to Greece set the stage for a serious response.”

This from the very man who contributed most to one bubble after another by borrowing more and more and more money from the major savers of the world (who happened to reside in places like China and Japan), the man who created the financing for Bush II’s wars out of thin air, so Bush did not have to raise taxes, and, the man who indeed approved when Bush cut taxes on the wealthiest, despite warnings from many economists, and severe chastisement from the same Austrian economists who are suddenly so beloved of the Tea Party.

Now he tells he’s worried about all that debt, when back during Bush-times he encouraged Vice-President Cheney to pontificate that “deficits don’t matter.” Do his opinions depend on who is occupying the White House, or has Mr. Greenspan suddenly got religion?

Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner was also quoted in the same article, as saying that “while fiscal tightening is needed over the ‘medium term,’ governments must reinforce the recovery in private demand.” Translation: if we tighten up and pull back on federal spending at this moment, we will abort the recovery and create a double-dip recession. That is exactly what happened to FDR in 1937, when he caved in to Wall Street bankers, and what had been a healthy turn-around in the economy after the 1929 crash suddenly petered out, hard times returned with a vengeance, to be ameliorated only by the return of deficit spending to fight World War II.

The question of how to pull out of another one of disaster capitalism’s crises, the timing and scope of deficit spending, and the invidious attack on such an effort by those who represent the interests of Wall Street and Big Money, and not the interests of average people on Main Street, was addressed in Obessing About the Deficit vs Opportunity Costs. Mr. Greenspan’s comments, and their being showcased in Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal, are one more indication of the growing campaign, not to “reduce the deficit” so much as to cut what the right-wing calls entitlements, meaning Social Security and health care, and everything else that helps the average American. It is one more shot in the War Against the Middle Class.

We heard no such heart-felt pleas for fiscal restraint when it was a question of running up the bill for military interventionism in Iraq (that’s “defense” in modern parlance), nor when it came to the desperate necessity of bailing out imprudent and greedy banksters. Oh, no, all of that was either State Secrets or Economic Life and Death. The pain of repairing the damage from the reckless creation of bubbles as wrought by such as Mr. Greenspan is not going to be borne by the Big Moneymen who profited from the bubbles on the way up and again on the way down as they burst—– no, the pain is going to be borne by the victims and the little guy—- it must be that the banksters and the Big Money still think we little mice might have a bit of treasure they can squeeze out of us for the big rats to enjoy).

OR: this will be the case unless the administration makes a better effort to get the other side of the argument out into the public domain, and in a more aggressive way than the pale, mousey words of timid Timothy Geithner.

EMILY’s List Announces EMpower


cross-posted from Sum of Change

On Thursday, June 17th 2010, EMILY’s List announced a new program called EMpower. We were filming WIN’s 21st Annual Women Opening Doors for Women, where Stephanie Schriock, President of EMILY’s List, announced the new program:

What is EMpower?

Twenty-five years ago, 25 women gathered in a basement, rolodexes in hand, to send letters to their friends about a network they were forming to raise money for pro-choice Democratic women candidates. Today, EMILY’s List is one of the nation’s largest and most successful political action committees. But the fight isn’t over, and while the tools are different, the mission remains the same. It’s time to EMpower the next generation of Democratic women. It’s our time. EMpower is a place to network, to learn about candidates throughout the country, to collaborate, and to see our individual and collective impact make a real difference.

Learn More »

Click here to watch Stephanie Schriock’s full speech.

Sheriff Stolle Stiffs His Constituency


Last night there was an opportunity to attend a meeting where Ken Stolle couldn’t pull his 4th Amendment shenanigan to have “objectionable attendees” removed. But the Sheriff of Virginia Beach was a no show. Either he is a frail executive or his Undersheriff lacks integrity. Or worse.

The Sheriff committed himself to address the monthly Third Police Precinct Citizen’s Advisory Committee, so it was disappointing when he sent Undersheriff Dennis Free in his stead. Free, a glib former Virginia Beach police officer rolled off the office’s accomplishments during the past year accentuating the fiscal responsibility theme: that the office has been significantly tightened up since the departure of Sheriff Paul Lanteigne. Message: Paul Lanteigne was a poor administrator. But if Stolle was really unable to attend the meeting for the reason Free provided, Stolle is weak at best. And if that wasn’t the situation, there is no reason to trust the man Stolle has installed as his Undersheriff and possibly Stolle himself. Stolle, Free explained, was meeting with a person providing the phone contract and by law the contract is with the Sheriff himself…at 7PM on a night he previously committed. A contactor is dictating Stolle’s schedule.

It is always educational listening to someone with no practical business experience explain the business of government. Certainly this was Sheriff Stolle’s slide show, but here was a fellow whose advocates count among themselves those who grin and nod when they hear the rants about “Government Motors” getting an audience to grin and nod when he discussed Stolle’s “Government Farms.” But apparently this great innovator doesn’t understand the business-client customer relationship. Of course, Stolle, a former policeman and legislator has no executive experience.

There’s more though. Turns out that Stolle penned legislation in his days as a state senator that the state says his office is now violating. Free explained that Stolle insists that since he wrote the law he knows what it means, therefore he will do as he pleases. The Attorney General’s office is want to enforce the law, apparently too focused on enforcing US Constitutional law to spend effort on Virginia Constitutional responsibilities. Think there’s enough arrogance to go around?

So, why is it that a constitutional officer is bowing to a vendor? That is troubling. Why is it that a constitutional officer is meeting with a contractor outside of business hours? Is it that this business “deal” cannot survive scrutiny in the light of day? Should Stolle have recused himself from this contract decision? After all, he is awarding a contract for a service which must include as a bidder one of his brother’s political opponents’ employers. Free openly bragged the office was ignoring enforcement of a law; is it also ignoring ethical standards?