Peter Rousselot Lays Out “134-Local-Committee Strategy” for DPVA


    If there’s one thing two-term Arlington County Democratic Committee chair Peter Rousselot knows, it’s Democratic committees. Which is why we should all pay attention to Peter’s “134-local-committee strategy” for the Democratic Party of Virginia. According to Peter:

    This strategy is modeled after the 50-state strategy that Howard Dean developed at the DNC, but a strategy I have adapted to the circumstances of a state political party – in particular, Virginia.


    It’s not clear that DPVA has the funds right now to hire the field organizers I recommend.  If I am elected Chair, until we can raise the money needed, I will immediately begin to personally do the outreach required to understand what the unique needs are in each locality, and to develop strategies to meet them.  As the former chair of a very effective local Democratic committee, I know what it takes to be successful.

    Yes, he most certainly does.  To learn more, click here. I encourage everyone to support Peter Rousselot for DPVA chair, that is if you want to grow the party, realize our best Democratic ideals, bring people together, and of course win elections!

    P.S. For some testimonials about Peter Rousselot, click here. As current Arlington County Democratic Committee chair Mike Lieberman writes, “Peter was the gold standard for local party chairs when he served in Arlington, and he will no doubt be the gold standard as Chair of the Democratic Party of Virginia. I enthusiastically support his candidacy, and encourage others to do the same.”


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