Rich Fat Asshole With Bad Combover Attacks Young Dem Volunteers


    The Arlington Young Democrats had an event this week that…

    A GOP group blasted the effort anyway.

    “The Arlington Young Democrats knew they may have to pull all the stops to help Moran across the finish line, including offering a free drink and food in violation of the law,” said Michael Thielen, executive director of the Republican National Lawyers Association. “This is just another sign of what scared Democrats will do.”

    If I was a rich fat asshole with a bad combover like Michael Thielen, I’d promise to attack the Arlington/Falls Church Young Republicans the next time they screw up. But I’m not a rich fat asshole with a bad combover. I won’t attack kids who are doing the best they can in their spare time to do what they think will make the world a better place. Unlike some rich fat assholes with a bad combover I know.


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