Edd Houck Concedes; Thanks Creigh Deeds (not)!


    This is a major bummer, and really didn’t have to be the case. The fact is, Edd Houck’s Democratic neighbor in the Senate, Creigh Deeds, won his race by nearly 15,000 votes, while Edd Houck lost his race by just over 200 votes. You think Creigh could have spared a few deep “blue” precincts in Charlottesville during redistricting or what?!? What I’m hearing from my sources is that Deeds explicitly refused to do this, selfishly arguing that his district wasn’t safe enough (even though it’s solidly “blue,” around 57% DPI), and that eventually Edd Houck gave in (despite Dick Saslaw, to his CREDIT for a change, really pushing Deeds to give up a little to protect Houck). It’s truly infuriating…especially after you read Houck’s classy statement, below, and realize what we lost. 🙁

    ‎”There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heaven…a time to search and a time to give up”.

    Today at 2:30 p.m. following a conference call with my legal team and campaign advisors, I determined that I must concede this election. I do so knowing that “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. To the hundreds of my supporters, I wish I could have given you the victory you deserve. But, it simply did not happen. At 4:00 today, I called Bryce Reeves, made my concession, wished him well and offered my assistance as he enters into the Senate of Virginia. At this uncertain economic time in Virginia, he deserves your full support and prayers. I can never express to each of you my most sincere heartfelt thanks for your support over the past 28 years. I have been blessed by your friendship. I hope to see each of you in the near future.

    P.S. Also worth noting, each incumbent Democratic senator apparently got to approve the lines for their districts, giving each one effective veto power. Clearly, Deeds used that power to his own advantage, which is what politicians do, but he also screwed over Edd Houck in the process while winning his own race by a whopping 29 points. Ugh.


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