Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, February 22.

*Kiev quiet but tense; president may have fled

*The battle for the conservative soul (“As the Dalai Lama came to AEI, the world was learning of another Republican expression of brotherhood and compassion – this one in the form of bigoted e-mails sent and received by people working for Scott Walker, now the Wisconsin governor and a prospective presidential candidate.”)

*Religious Right Hails Bill Derided by Gay Rights Groups (“Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona must decide whether to sign the legislation that would allow religious beliefs as a legal justification for denying service to same-sex couples.”)

*Fascism, Russia, and Ukraine (“Yet it is the Ukrainian regime rather than its opponents that resorts to anti-Semitism, instructing its riot police that the opposition is led by Jews. In other words, the Ukrainian government is telling itself that its opponents are Jews and us that its opponents are Nazis.”)

*In coverage of Olympics, NBC has largely steered clear of controversy (These Olympic games were an utter disgrace, and NBC was a big part of that.)

*Cantor releases House GOP agenda (Mostly just pandering to the far-right-wing base, nothing on immigration, tax reform, investing in America’s future, etc, etc. #FAIL)

*Duke Energy plugs second leaking pipe at Eden coal ash dump

*Senate panel defeats bill to let legislators defend state laws

*Virginia Del. Mark D. Sickles: A marriage ruling that counts me in (This has been an open secret among the political class for a loooong time. Why did Sickles come out now? Simple: it’s a smart, calculated political move to raise LGBT $$$ and win votes among 8th CD Democratic primary voters.)

*Virginia approves new lethal injection drug

*Silver Line rail project apparently set to receive $1.9 billion in federal loans (“The DOT wants a formal application for the project’s second phase, a sign that funds may be forthcoming.”)

*Region’s first bus-only lanes planned in Crystal City area (“Arlington, Alexandria, WMATA building a 4.5-mile transit loop.”)

*Fairfax County budget likely to leave

a sour taste for schools backers

*D.C. area forecast: A springlike weekend before we head back into winter


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