Ward Armstrong Blasts Cooch on Westboro Baptist “Church”


    Armstrong argues that interrupting a funeral of a U.S. Marine isn’t the kind of “speech” we should be allowing, and that Ken Cuccinelli should have joined the lawsuit in support of the Marine’s dad.  Armstrong also notes that Cooch didn’t hesitate to go after free speech on the UVA climate science issue, declaring, “I think the Attorney General picks and chooses his fights based on his own personal, political agenda.”  I couldn’t agree more.

    P.S. Check out Cooch’s Facebook page for some scathing comments from his (otherwise) supporters. Wow.

    UPDATE: Click here to read Bob McDonnell’s “profile in courage” on this issue. As Rosalind Helderman points out, McDonnell “disagrees with Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s decision not to file an amicus brief in a Supreme Court case…Or maybe he agrees.” Got that?


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