Home National Politics Last Night Paul Ryan told me he wants to privatize Medicare but...

Last Night Paul Ryan told me he wants to privatize Medicare but the President won’t let him


Last night I went to eat dinner at the Stien Erikson lodge in Utah where Mitt Romney is holding his experts and enthusiasts meeting.  A meeting of great minds such as Rience Pribus, Chris Christie, Rand Paul, and Paul Ryan.

As I was leaving the dining room I walked past Paul Ryan who was speaking with Dan Senor (most noted for his former position as chief spokesperson for the Coalition Provisional  Authority in Iraq but most recently he worked as a top foreign policy advisor for the Mitt Romney campaign) outside of what I assume was Ryan’s room.

I asked Paul Ryan “Congressman how are your plans to privatize Medicare going?”  Assuming I was a supporter he responded “We will need a new President first.”  I told him that “I like our current President, I liked Medicare and hope it will be available for me when I retire.”  He chuckled and I walked on.


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