Christie Now Supports Medicaid Expansion, Why Not McDonnell?


    RICHMOND — In case you missed it, Josh Vorhees from Slate reported that Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey became the latest Republican in a growing list to come out in support of Medicaid expansion, which Governor McDonnell actively opposes.

    “In the Commonwealth, Medicaid expansion would provide health coverage to nearly 400,000 Virginians, 33,000 of whom are Virginia’s veterans,” said DVPA Spokeswoman Ashley Bauman, “Maybe at Thursday’s fundraiser McDonnell is hosting for Christie in Northern Virginia he’ll have a change of heart and realize that, not only is he leaving millions of federal dollars on the table each day, but expanding Medicaid will also provide coverage to the Virginians who need it most. Governor McDonnell should follow the ever growing chorus of Republican Governors and support the Expansion of Medicaid.”


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