Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Sunday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, February 22.

*Deeper Ties to Corporate Cash for Doubtful Climate Researcher (Yet more evidence that fossil fuel money is behind mmost climate science denial. It also appears to have corrupted the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, big time).

*U.S. threatens new sanctions against Russia (Well deserved!)

*Walker says he is unaware whether Obama is a Christian (Walker is a demagogue, also utterly unqualified to hold public office.)

*Scott Walker’s cowardice should disqualify him (Yep.)

*Bill O’Reilly’s Argentina story challenged by ex-CBS News journalist (Still very little coverage of this story compared to the blanket, headline coverage of Brian William. Gee, I wonder why…)

*McAuliffe: ‘Crass, partisan’ DHS funding threat jeopardizes public safety

*Schapiro: Nothing tidy about Va.’s clean-government push (“But more insidious ethics issues are again being overlooked or ignored. That’s a reminder of a constant in statehouse politics: Legislators are reactive, given to minimal remedies and inclined to denial.”)

*After sweeping corruption verdict, McDonnells emerge with light sentences

*The McDonnell Saga Is Far From Over (“If the Robert McDonnell’s appeal is successful, then it would have a big impact on his wife, as well as loosen the interpretation nationally of how far ‘honest services’ should go. If the government is successful, then expect a crackdown on public official hankie-pankie.”)

*State budget deal to return money to local governments

*Northam: The gaping hole in Virginia’s budget (“The most important investment we could be making has been discussed the least: Medicaid expansion.”)

*In Virginia, little chance of raising more road revenue

*No known progress on new Virginia’s 3rd Congressional District map (They’ve clearly got higher priorities in the Teapublican-controlled Virginia General Assembly, like legalizing “throwing stars” and stuff. Heh.)

*For now, McDonnell’s legacy dominated by ethics reform (“Some of his work has withstood the past year. But parts have been chipped away, including key elements of his transportation deals and two education reforms.”)

*Arlington to sell fiber optic access as part of economic development

*Fairfax prosecutor resumes probe in 2013 police killing of John Geer

*Roanoke County to consider Mountain Valley Pipeline committee

*Our view: Pipeline roulette

*Fighting federal rules, Va. legislators want sugary school bake sales back (Now THAT is a top priority! /snark)

*A slight reprieve today before another front puts us back in the deep freeze


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