Home 2019 Elections Ken Cuccinelli’s Group Backs Lunatic in CO, Makes Dem Takeover of US...

Ken Cuccinelli’s Group Backs Lunatic in CO, Makes Dem Takeover of US Senate More Likely


Yes, Ken Cuccinelli’s “Senate Conservatives Fund” is backing this nut job.

Colorado Republicans nominated El Paso County Commissioner Darryl Glenn, a former Colorado Springs councilman and self-described “unapologetic Christian constitutional conservative pro-life second amendment-loving American,” for U.S. Senate on Tuesday. Despite his paltry campaign fundraising and his vow to oppose keeping Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as his party leader, Glenn easily beat the establishment favorite. He received endorsements from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who he has said he would like to see appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, and former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK).

And “Senate Conservatives Fund” President Ken Cuccinelli, who called Glenn “a pro-life candidate who opposes taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood, and will fight for conservative values in Washington.” So what does Glenn believe? How about:

  • Fetal “personhood” (would effectively criminalize abortion, many forms of contraception, embryonic stem cell research, etc.)
  • “He thinks neighbors should study each other to find potential terrorists.”
  • He “compared social safety net programs [like Social Security] to slavery”
  • He’s a climate science denier.
  • “He doesn’t think we should tell the world whether we ban Muslims or not — so as not to tip potential terrorists off.”
  • “He does not believe the U.S. armed forces need follow war crimes laws.”
  • “His top priority as a Colorado Springs Council candidate was to block rights for LGBT people.”

So yeah, this extremist lunatic is a big favorite of our old pal Ken Cuccinelli, former Attorney General (!!!) of Virginia, and someone who came close to becoming governor. All of which proves that there’s a certain percentage of the electorate who will literally vote for ANYONE, as long as they have an “R” by their name. And no, media idiots, there’s no equivalence on the Democratic side.

On the positive side, the nomination of Glenn for US Senate from Colorado essentially guarantees reelection for Sen. Michael Bennet (D), and makes it that much more likely that Democrats will take back control of the Senate. And for that, we have Ken Cuccinelli in part to thank. Good job, keep it up Cooch! 🙂


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