Home 2019 Elections “Washington Free Beacon” Paid GOP Oppo Firm Founded by Barbara Comstock’s Son,...

“Washington Free Beacon” Paid GOP Oppo Firm Founded by Barbara Comstock’s Son, Now Attacks LuAnn Bennett


The Washington Free Beacon is a hard-right-wing publication, that’s not debatable. Just to give a flavor of their oeuvre; one of their latest posts was Feds Holding Summits for Lesbian Farmers; they also love bashing renewable energy, defending fossil fuel companies, diminishing climate science, etc.

So, it’s not surprising that the Free Beacon has become the repository for all the oppo research the Barbara Comstock campaign wants to dump against their Democratic opponent, LuAnn Bennett. I’m not going to link to the stuff, but given its hard-right ideology, the Free Beacon’s stories on Virginia’s 10th CD should be assumed as heavily biased towards their fellow right winger, Barbara Comstock. Actually, after finding out this information, the Free Beacon’s stories on the 10th CD race should really be given no credibility at all (bolding added by me for emphasis):

In a letter released todayMedia Matters chairman David Brock cautioned the media against relying on The Washington Free Beacon for accurate information, noting among other concerns that the site has hired a Republican research firm to obtain information for anti-Hillary Clinton stories. The firm, M Street Insight, has numerous Republican clients this cycle.

…The Free Beacon’s “reporting” fails to disclose that The Free Beacon paid a Republican opposition research firm for the information it falsely published as its own journalistic work from the University of Arkansas tapes.

…Reinschmiedt and Dan Comstock founded M Street Insight LLC in 2011. The two previously worked together for the Republican National Committee (RNC)…

Uh, so you might have noticed the name “Comstock” in there, and thought, “is that person any relation to Rep. Barbara Comstock?” Well, as it turns out, the answer is a resounding “yes.”  Perhaps not surprisingly, Barbara Comstock’s son, Dan, followed in his mom’s footsteps and the family business of political “oppo research” and “attack dog” work — at the RNC and at his own political research firm, where one of his clients was (possibly still is, not sure about that)…yep, the Washington Free Beacon. Gotta love it, huh? On second thought, maybe not.


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