Home Immigration Video: Corey Stewart Wants to Toss Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney in Jail...

Video: Corey Stewart Wants to Toss Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney in Jail Over “Sanctuary City” Status


Virginia neo-Confederate and xenophobic gubernatorial candidate Corey Stewart (R-of course) not surprisingly looooves Texas’ odious SB4, which “penalizes law enforcement officials who refuse to cooperate with federal authorities on detaining and turning over undocumented immigrants.” SB4, “which is similar to Arizona’s SB 1070 passed in 2010, also authorizes law enforcement to inquire about immigration status during any and all detentions.” Charming, huh? So anyway, Stewart of course thinks SB4 is just grand and want to start by throwing Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney – or any other local official – into jail for declaring their locality a “sanctuary” for undocumented immigrants. Yes, apparently Stewart is serious. The question is, how many Republicans will vote for him on June 13, and also how many “leaders” in the Virginia GOP – Ed Gillespie? John Whitbeck? – will condemn Stewart for his obnoxious rhetoric?


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