Nick “Freaky” Freitas might think that being endorsed by the NRA (see screen shot, below) is a good thing, but most of us know that it’s definitely not. Just a few “highlights” about the NRA in recent months tells the story of this extremist organization that Freitas is proud to be endorsed by. And yes, that’s mostly what you need to do know about Freitas, although you can check out his unhinged, March 2 speech on gun violence, which he blamed on (pick one or more): “gun-free zones,” “broken homes” and the government policies that supposedly contribute to “broken homes,” “various cultural changes that happened in the 60s [including] the abortion industry,” “the welfare state,” “dismantling families as [they] became more and more dependent on the government,” etc. Yep, that’s an example of why I call him “Freaky” (there are many others, such as calling Social Security a “Ponzi scheme,” but we can leave those for other blog posts…)
- NRA President-elect Oliver North smears Parkland survivors as criminals
- Notorious misogynist and accused child molester Ted Nugent spoke at the NRA Women’s Leadership Forum
- NRA annual meeting to feature Ted Nugent’s racist “spearchucker” gun line
- NRA’s Ted Nugent compares Democrats to “rabid coyotes”: “Keep your gun handy, and every time you see one, you shoot one”
- NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch: NRA members are “victims of a different sort” of the Parkland school shooting
- NRA issues threatening video warning journalists ‘your time is running out’
- The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre’s Chilling Christian Nationalist Call to Arms
- The NRA Shows How it Feels About African-Americans