My god, what a mess. Oh wait, hasn’t Gov. Ralph Northam said over and over again that the fracked-gas pipeline projects — in this case the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) — would be the safest/cleanest/blah blah blah projects EVAH! in Virginia history? And didn’t he even just set up a “Conservation Cabinet,” which people are…actually, busy RIPPING TO SHREDS on Twitter and on Facebook? (e.g., “This is some kind of a joke
@GovernorVA. You are allowing $11 billion in fracked methane gas pipelines that are destroying rivers, streams and wells and will increase GH emissions. Fortunately the 4th Cir is doing your job. Stop greenwashing please”)
So yeah, this is all working out just greeeeeeaaaat.
By the way, on that “Conservation Cabinet,” Northam’s Secretary of Natural Resources, Matt Strickler, actually said regarding whether the pipelines would come up, “I don’t foresee that being a topic of conversation, but if folks bring it up, they bring it up.” Really fills you with confidence, no?
With that snarky intro out of the way, see below for photos – and hopefully video at some point – plus a description by Bonnie Law from last night/this morning of the latest fracked-gas pipeline environmental debacle. This time, it’s at the Angle Farm in Rocky Mount, VA. Great job, as always, Virginia environmental authorities. Not!
There is a massive MVP water breach at the Angle farm at 1116 Iron Ridge Rd. Rocky Mount, VA 25151 this eve just before dark and happening now.Their farm is about 3 miles off RT 220 South (about halfway between Town of Boones Mill and Rocky Mount, VA) in Franklin County, VA.They are reporting what appears to be a significant water strike in new trenches dug today and they describe their bottom land on their farm as a “new lake”.They say banks of these new trenches, dug today, are caving in on both sides and water is coming on way faster than it could be pumped out. Workers left this site before dark, landowners says pumps are running but nothing is going out.It is being reported to Franklin County Sheriff’s office and an emergency 1 800 phone number to VA DEQ.******************It is disaster! TV crews just left. Should be on Channel 7 ( WDBJ7 Roanoke news this eve) at 6 pm.It is SO much water, really unbelievable, way worse than Bent Mtn strike at Blue Ridge Pkway. They have struck 3 different underground water sources it appears and water is flowing back in trench from contaiment areas. They are rushed, sloppy, and don’t care.Yet, they are digging more NEW trench barreling toward the crossing of intersect of Little Creek and Blackwater River crossing in Franklin County, VA.