Home 2021 Elections Graphs: Where Are Virginia 2021 Gubernatorial Candidates Getting Their $$$$?

Graphs: Where Are Virginia 2021 Gubernatorial Candidates Getting Their $$$$?


See here and below for some interesting graphics from VPAP on donations to Virginia gubernatorial candidates in the first half of 2020. A few things that jumped out at me include:

  • First of all, while Mark Herring’s included because he’s an announced candidate for governor, most people seem to be assuming that he’s not running. We’ll see, but he certainly doesn’t seem to be raising money in a way that indicates he’s gearing up for a statewide run in 2021.
  • Former Gov. Terry McAuliffe is included in the VPAP graphics even though he is NOT an announced candidate for governor in 2021, presumably because everyone assumes he’s running.
  • The only Republican included is State Sen. Amanda Chase, as she’s the only one who’s shown any seriousness about running…
  • Not surprisingly, McAuliffe is by far and away raising the most money, with a mix of donor sources, including a very small share (1%) from small-dollar donors. Del. Jennifer Carroll Foy is second in terms of 1H20 fundraising, with a significant chunk of her money (22%) coming from “Single Interest” groups and just 11% from small-dollar donors. Sen. Jennifer McClellan is next, with 23% of her money coming from “Single Interest” groups and just 7% from small-dollar donors.
  • Far-right Republican Amanda Chase is the one 2021 gubernatorial candidate, at least so far, who is raising the majority of her money (54% in her case) from small-dollar donors. Based on her Facebook page followers, “likes,” etc., it’s not really surprising, as she clearly has an intense following of passionate, grassroots, like-minded supporters.
  • Finally, does this information make you wish we had public financing of elections, limits on corporate and individual donations, etc?


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