Home 2021 Elections Look What You Made Us Do: Glenn Youngkin’s Dismal Week in Review

Look What You Made Us Do: Glenn Youngkin’s Dismal Week in Review


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Look What You Made Us Do: Glenn Youngkin’s Dismal Week in Review

Richmond, VA –– It was another dismal week on the campaign trail for Glenn Youngkin. Glenn’s week began by once again pushing his and Donald Trump’s dangerous “election integrity” agenda focused on conspiracy theories to undermine election results when he called for an “audit” of Virginia’s voting machines, despite the fact that Virginia’s election results have already been audited and confirmed. For his efforts, Youngkin earned his fifth endorsement from his inspiration for running, Donald Trump.

Aside from spending his time peddling Trump’s extreme agenda, Glenn was hammered by Taylor Swift fans after new reporting highlighted his role in taking control of the star singer’s music at the Carlyle Group. On Tuesday, Terry McAuliffe released new digital ads highlighting Youngkin’s controversial deal to acquire Swift’s recordings in 2019.

Glenn couldn’t shake off the bad week after that. 

On Thursday, Youngkin’s running mate, Winsome Sears, refused to respond to basic questions about whether she has been vaccinated against COVID-19. When recently asked about her vaccination status by CNN, Sears declined to answer and said it’s a “slippery slope,” before delivering a Trumpian attack on the media on Twitter.

Glenn then went on to laugh off the effects of climate change and refused to acknowledge the indisputable fact that humans have caused the climate to change at Thursday night’s WAVY gubernatorial roundtable. He also claimed it would be too divisive to find real, science-driven solutions to address the climate crisis that threatens Hampton Roads and Virginia.

If that wasn’t already quite the week for Glenn and Team Youngkin, a new poll released on Friday found just how deeply unpopular his position to go “on offense” and ban abortion is with Virginians. The poll found more than 61 percent of Virginians support laws that protect a woman’s right to choose.

See below for a recap of coverage from Glenn’s dismal week.

Youngkin’s Latest Embrace of His and Donald Trump’s “Election Integrity” Conspiracy Theory Agenda and Their Attempt to Undermine Election Results 

New reporting this week highlighted Glenn Youngkin’s latest push of his and Donald Trump’s dangerous “election integrity” agenda focused on conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. Glenn called for an “audit” of election machines in Virginia to cast doubt on Virginia’s election results, despite the fact that Virginia’s election results have already been audited and confirmed, and he was once again endorsed by Trump for his efforts.

Glenn continues to be all-in on Trump’s baseless conspiracy theories that erode our democratic processes and put lives at risk. Just last week, Glenn refused to say whether or not he would have voted to certify the election results on January 6.

Youngkin launched his campaign with an “election integrity task force,” which he has called the “most important issue” in this campaign. Youngkin spent months lying about the 2020 election and is committed to the hardline Republican agenda of restricting voting rights.

This summer, Youngkin headlined an insurrectionist-sponsored “election integrity” rally. This came after Youngkin suggested that the disgraced former president could be reinstated into office.

As co-CEO of the Carlyle Group, Glenn Worked to Buy Taylor Swift’s Master Recordings in 2019

This week, new reporting highlighted Glenn Youngkin’s role as co-CEO of the Carlyle Group in working to buy Taylor Swift’s master recordings in 2019, taking control of the singer’s music and refusing to sell her the rights back. On Tuesday, Terry McAuliffe released new digital ads highlighting Youngkin’s controversial deal to acquire Swift’s recordings in 2019.

Youngkin has made clear that he will rip anyone off in order to make a profit. If he’ll do this to Taylor Swift –– he’ll do it to Virginians.

Glenn’s Running Mate Winsome Sears Refuses to Say Whether She Has Been Vaccinated for COVID-19 

On Thursday, Winsome Sears refused to respond to basic questions about whether she has been vaccinated against COVID-19. She declined to answer about her vaccination status to CNN before delivering a Trumpian attack on the media on Twitter.

As Glenn Youngkin and his fellow Trump-supporting running mate continue to push anti-vaccine, anti-science rhetoric while seeking the highest offices in the Commonwealth, Terry McAuliffe and Delegate Hala Ayala have been on the campaign trail showing the leadership necessary to keep schools safely open, keep our economy strong, and put the pandemic behind us.

Glenn “I Don’t Know What Is Responsible For Climate Change” Youngkin Brushes Off Climate Science 

Climate change continues to threaten the Commonwealth’s communities, economy and way of life, yet Glenn refused to acknowledge the indisputable fact that humans have caused the climate to change and laughed off the effects of the climate crisis. Glenn also claimed it would be too divisive to find real, science-driven solutions to address the climate crisis that threatens Hampton Roads and Virginia

First, Glenn pushes anti-science, anti-vaccine disinformation on the campaign trail—now he is a climate science denier. Virginia deserves a governor who will make decisions based on science and data, not right-wing talking points.

Glenn’s Anti-Choice is Once Again Found to be Deeply Unpopular With Virginia Voters 

On Friday, a new poll released by Christopher Newport University found that Glenn Youngkin’s anti-choice agenda continues to be overwhelmingly unpopular with voters in Virginia. Glenn has repeatedly made clear that he wants to go “on offense” to ban abortion and defund Planned Parenthood.

The poll found more than 60 percent of Virginians support laws that protect access to abortions, while 55 percent of voters oppose a Texas-style law banning abortion after six weeks.

See you next week, Glenn!


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