Home Glenn Youngkin Ethan Lynne and Others Responds to Glenn Youngkin’s Non-Apology “Apology”: “While he...

Ethan Lynne and Others Responds to Glenn Youngkin’s Non-Apology “Apology”: “While he acknowledged the situation, Governor Youngkin did not apologize and did not condemn what happened over the weekend.”


We’re now on Day #3 of this story, and Glenn Youngkin STILL can’t seem to bring himself to: a) condemn what his team did to 17-year-old Ethan Lynne on Saturday; b) hold people on his team accountable for what they did; c) sincerely and actually apologize of Ethan Lynne. Instead, this morning we got this classic “non-apology ‘apology'” from Youngkin (“I regret that this happened“). Check out the reactions, below, including from the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Jaime Harrison (“Did you at least call and apologize to the high school student?”); the Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Virginia, Andrew Whitley (“‘I regret that this happened’ isn’t an apology…Shameful”); the Virginia Teen Democrats (“Thanks for apologizing to Ethan Lynne. Oh wait, you still didn’t.”); Ethan Lynne himself (“While he acknowledged the situation, Governor Youngkin did not apologize and did not condemn what happened over the weekend. I still hope he does, and that he will take time to recognize the culture of toxicity he has created within his first month of office.”); former Del. Jay Jones (“For all that is holy can you apologize to @ethanclynne? This isn’t that – please live the deeply religious values you profess and say I’m sorry to a high school student. It isn’t that hard.); etc.


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