Home Education Virginia Association of School Superintendents Slams Youngkin’s Assault on Diversity; Warn...

[UPDATED 2x] Virginia Association of School Superintendents Slams Youngkin’s Assault on Diversity; Warn It Could “set public education in Virginia back many years”; Says “the tip line needs to be terminated”


UPDATED 3/16: This morning on WRVA (right-wing talk radio), the President of VASS, Dr. Zebedee Talley, had the following to say.

  • He argues that the letter isn’t addressed to Gov. Youngkin, but to VA Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow (who, of course, works for Gov. Youngkin).
  • He says “it is NOT all 133 superintendents who feel this way,” adding, “If you get 10 people in a room, you know, 10 people don’t agree on everything.”
  • But, he adds: “It DOES represent the majority of our board, and each of those superintendents had an opportunity to talk to their colleagues in their region…the purpose of the letter is just get an opportunity to sit and talk…”

UPDATED 3/12: It took them long enough to clarify, but it now turns out – “VASS Executive Director Ben Kiser clarified that the letter was crafted and adopted by the 12 member board and doesn’t necessarily reflect a consensus among all of its members.”


The following – by “133 Virginia school superintendents” – is a MUCH-deserved rebuttal of the appalling, disgraceful, 30-day “interim report” issued a few weeks ago by the Youngkin administration, regarding the status of the administration’s efforts to implement Youngkin’s absurd Executive Order #1, ” identifying and addressing inherently divisive concepts – including ‘Critical Race Theory and its progeny’ – in public education.” As the letter from the superintendents says:

  • Superintendents “believe that gross assumptions have been made, without evidentiary support, in the development of the 30-day report.” (Note: that’s their diplomatic way of saying the entire thing is complete trash, lies, etc.)
  • “Division superintendents and other stakeholder groups should have been consulted prior to the development of the 30-day report.” (Note: the fact that they weren’t consulted tells you everything you need to know, really…)
  • “Division superintendents disagree with your having rescinded much of the Ed Equity work by the Department of Education…completed by many quality educators over a number of years to provide support for the success of children in underserved communities and in select population groups.”
  • “Division superintendents disagree with your assumption that discriminatory and divisive concepts have become widespread in Virginia school divisions…without having provided evidence to support that position.
  • “Division superintendents disagree with your using ‘equitable outcomes’ as the basis for determining what divisive concepts are and unilaterally suggesting that this approach is discriminatory.”
  • Virginia’s public education system has consistently ranked as one of the best throughout the country in expectations and in student outcomes.”
  • “Your use of ‘equitable opportunities’ in lieu of ‘equitable outcomes’, without considering those factors that impact student achievement in undeserved communities, can set public education in Virginia back many years.”
  • Mutual respect and understanding of each other’s role in providing quality educational services should serve as the basis for constructive dialogue.”
  • “A tip line for parents to report divisive content to the Governor impedes positive relationships; therefore, the tip line needs to be terminated.”




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