Home Budget, Economy Gov. Youngkin Announces 38 Budget Amendments; General Assembly to Vote Them Up...

Gov. Youngkin Announces 38 Budget Amendments; General Assembly to Vote Them Up or Down on Friday

Many legislators had urged that Youngkin NOT mess with a budget that is bipartisan and carefully crafted. But did he listen? LOL


See below for a press release from Governor Youngkin’s office regarding his 38 (!) amendments to what was a *bipartisan* and “carefully crafted* budget. Why on earth would he do this?  Does he *want* a government shutdown, or is this just the way he is?  Fortunately, Democrats control the State Senate, so they can stop most or all of whatever stupid stuff Youngkin’s proposing.

Also, as House Majority Leader Terry Kilgore (R) pointed out earlier today (see audio, below the press release), the General Assembly has to vote Youngkin’s budget amendments up or down, and if they’re voted down, “we can still pass the budget,” while Youngkin “still has the right to pocket veto the budget…but I don’t suspect that will happen because I think the governor realizes we need a budget.” So that’s good at least…

Governor Glenn Youngkin Announces Budget Amendments
RICHMOND, VA – On Wednesday, Governor Youngkin sent thirty-eight budget amendments, three in HB 29 (the caboose budget) and thirty-five in HB 30 (the biennial budget), focusing on expanding opportunities for education, keeping our communities safe, and making Virginia the best state for business. The General Assembly will consider Governor Youngkin’s amendments when they reconvene on Friday.
“With five-dollar gas prices and plenty of money in the system, I’m continuing the effort to lower gas prices for hardworking Virginians and my hope is, this time, that Democrats will join us to give Virginians a break this summer,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “We’re also restoring educational freedom by protecting the education scholarship tax credits which expand parental choice. Finally, I am asking that the General Assembly help keep our state and federal judges safe. I’m grateful for the hard work of leaders in the House and Senate for presenting a budget to me that delivers key priorities for the Commonwealth, these amendments build on that and further our goal to make Virginia the best place to live, work and raise a family.”
Information on amendments can be found here: HB 29 and HB 30.

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