Home 2023 Elections Video: VA State Sen. Monty Mason (D) Releases First TV Ad; This...

Video: VA State Sen. Monty Mason (D) Releases First TV Ad; This Is a CRUCIAL, MUST-WIN District for Democrats This November!

The ad highlights Sen. Mason's "impressive legislative achievements like cutting the grocery tax, lowering income taxes, and giving families a rebate to deal with inflation and higher cost of living"


FYI, this Virginia State Senate district is highly competitive (Youngkin won it by 3.4 points in 2021; Mark Herring won it by 3.4 points in 2017) and absolutely CRUCIAL for Democrats to hold this November. The candidates in this Newport News/York/Williamsburg/Poquoson/etc. district are: Democratic incumbent Sen. Monty Mason, who has served in the Senate since 2017; and Republican Danny Diggs, who is right wing all the way. So…yeah, let’s make sure that Democrats hold this seat in November; women’s reproductive freedom, voting rights, the environment, gun violence prevention, and everything else is VERY much on the line!

With that, here’s Sen. Mason’s new TV ad and a press release from his campaign (which says, “In the ad, Mason’s campaign highlights his impressive legislative achievements like cutting the grocery tax, lowering income taxes, and giving families a rebate to deal with inflation and higher cost of living.“).


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