Home 2024 Elections Sen. Tim Kaine: “July was the month when I pardoned Virginian Grace...

Sen. Tim Kaine: “July was the month when I pardoned Virginian Grace Sherwood posthumously for a bogus 300 year old witchcraft conviction. My Senate opponent is deeply worried about witchcraft…in 2024!”

Hung Cao is a far-right extremist and also super weird.


It’s a year-old video, but it’s still highly relevant, as 2024 VA GOP US Senate nominee Hung Cao was an extremist/nutjob then – and he’s an extremist/nutjob now. I mean, what even IS this lunacy???

P.S. For a few more examples of Cao’s weirdness, see After Hung Cao Argues That Voters Want “Hard Men,” “Alpha Males,” “Meat Eaters,” Sen. Tim Kaine’s Communications Director Responds, “‘Hard men’ don’t duck debates”, Video: Likely 2024 VA GOP US Senate Nominee Hung Cao “flips out when someone from Southwest Virginia confronts him about his ‘podunk’ comments”, Meet Hung Cao, Endorsed by Donald Trump, and Now the Likely 2024 VA GOP Nominee for US Senate (Cao compares abortion to the Holocaust, thinks “wiccans have taken over parts of California” and “we can’t let that happen in Virginia,” etc.)…


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