Home Budget, Economy Thursday News: Climate Crisis in Overdrive, with Record Heat in 2024; Trump,...

Thursday News: Climate Crisis in Overdrive, with Record Heat in 2024; Trump, Trapped in Russian “Disinformation Bubble,” Is the American President of Putin’s Dreams”; Trump Has GOP Senators “Scared Shitless”; “Virginia’s GOP delegation chooses Trump over the Constitution”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, February 20. As Paul Krugman says “Why the frantic lying? I suspect that it’s because Musk, Trump and their Congressional allies are flailing. I don’t think any past administration has ever failed so thoroughly in its first month…As I see it, the explosion of lies is a sign that the Musk/Trump Administration is cracking up after just one month in office. So what should Democrats do? Nothing. Trump and Musk have created this situation, even as they try to undermine our democracy. They should be forced to own the disaster they made, and not a single Democrat should vote to help them out.”


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