Home National Politics Video: Robertson Rants About Church-State Separation Inviting Radical Muslim “Fifth Column” into...

Video: Robertson Rants About Church-State Separation Inviting Radical Muslim “Fifth Column” into US


Here we go again with top Virginia GOP donor – Marion “Pat” Robertson – this time ranting insanely about Islam on the anniversary of 9/11. And, as always, I have yet to hear a SINGLE Virginia Republican condemn Robertson’s constant stream of bigotry. VERY telling!

…for the Western nations to welcome this fifth column [Muslims] into their midst is just committing suicide…The reason is they have lost their faith in God, they have lost their faith in Jesus Christ, they don’t believe in what the Bible says and the core values of our society have gone away…We’ve done it here in America, we’ve abolished prayer in the schools, we’ve taken out Bible-reading in the schools and little by little by little we’ve eroded the rights-we keep talking about separation and this that and the other.


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